I think this is the first time for me participating in a class that consist of people from different age groups, different backgrounds and having different goals. However, I see all have commonalities like improving English and inspiration to be someone who is useful to this world.
Ms. Liz - Thanks for your effort. It is sad to here that you are leaving Sri Lanka within couple of months. I wish you all the best for your next location and I am sure you will get used to that place easily because when you stay 2 years specially in Colombo you will learn how to be patient, tolerate the rudeness, get over heat, blood donation to mosquitoes and train your stomach to withstand against bacterias. On the other hand I think you may have noticed the simple lifestyles of Sri Lankans, hospitality and friendliness too.
Dushy - I think I will not forget how we tried to keep the professional cricketer in that balloon even though we failed in the second time. Nice to have friend like you. I also like to play cricket and tap rugby with friends. Your car shed cricket reminds the time I played "one bump" at any place and any time. I see you as an intelligent and very promising young man. Regarding the picture, yes it is my wife and can you guess the location ?
Theepika - "She'd rather be hated for who she is than loved for who she's not" is a nice concept and well said. Very recently, I have found the same concept in teachings of Lord Buddha too. Yes, once upon a time I was also addicted to Facebook and I think still I am, even though now I try my best to limit the time on FB and try to use it as a tool to be in connection with my friends. You are good in Chess right ? How about a game of chess even though I haven't touched a chess piece in years.
Sachitha - It is nice to see that you have a clear goal, which most of our young generation lack of having goals. It is not what matters is to be a engineer or a doctor. What matters is whether you enjoy the work you do and at the end of the day to be happy about what you have done. It is better to try and fail instead of without trying any thing. Anyway, success makes you blind, failure makes your eyes open wide. Make use of that. I wish you all the best for a bright future.
Sepz - "nutty" ha, how can I take it ? mad or silly ? or nuts? I don't see any one of them in you. What I see from you is very serious and determined young lady. Correct me if I am wrong. Even though you are the tallest girl in the class I don't see you make use of your height. It could be an advantage if you play basketball or netball.
Fuzuki - Nice to have a Japanese Lady in our class and learn about Japan and Japanese view about Sri Lanka. I am bit afraid to comment about you because I don't know under which law you are going to sue me. "7 years of long-distance love" - I think you can write a book about that because I think it is very rare case. I am little bit skeptical about NGOs and promoting preschools because there are thousands of preschools in Sri Lanka. Ah, may be you are talking about very rural areas.
Monita - Nice to hear about your story. It is amazing to see your outstanding achievements. What are the places that you will visit in Kandy ?
I am sorry if I say something wrong by commenting about you guys. Normally, I don't comment like this but I think this is a better way of conversation and interaction in this blog as Dushy started commenting.