Well, I'm still alive and well and feeling very, very guilty because I haven't tried to contact you before. I promise I haven't forgotten you, especially as I see my lovely elephant every day on my mantlepiece.
Really, I promise you, I've been very busy. The day before I left Sri Lanka I got an email from Aberystwyth University, saying they might have work for me. I had hardly arrived when I found myself teaching a foundation (pre-degree)course to three advanced students. I'm only teaching three days a week, but there's no text book, so I have to create all my own materials, and gear it towards academic study skills. Luckily I was able to make use of "An Inconvenient Truth"
I've just tried to add two photos of my house. I'm not sure if it's worked. If it has, you should see a view of the house from the beach and also the view from my window. You will see how close I am to the sea, which I really love. It's a little alarming though, especially given rising sea levels etc. etc. There are plans to build new sea defences, but as yet no work has started.
Well the weather here at the moment is literally FREEZING. Most of the UK has had snow, but we've only had a sprinkling. It's all very different from Sri Lanka!
Anyway, here's hoping someone out there will read this and respond!
I miss you all!