Global warming is becoming a real threat to all lives from the samallest species to largest..Most people talk about global warming but do you know realy what it is?? How is it occur? Then how does it become a threat for all living species? How we can prvent this from bocoming a threat? What we can do for that? It is sure that we should do something for that otherwise it is like coommitng sucide.
Global warming is a result of strengthning the green house effect and it increase the temperature of the earths's surface.though global warming is threat to all of us, Green house effect is very important to maintain life on the earth. Without greenhouse effect earth's surface temperature is even below than zero celcius and life would not exist on the earth.Green house gases such as C02, CH4, H20,N02 and So2 gases trapped infared radiation which being emmited from the earth and it is the main couse for greenhouse effect.Industrial evolution and constructions of more and more colonies leads to deforestation and burning lot of fossil fuels.This increases the amount of C02 in the atmosphere and strengthen the green house effect to end up with global warming.Main reason for global warming is continuese increase of C02 in the atmosphere.
There are so many bad effects from global warming which directly threten to the exisisting life on the earth. Climate changes can be resulted from global warming.Evidence to climate changes are increasing temperature,rising in sea levels and decreasing snow cover in top of mountens and increasing the tropical cyclone activity.those climate changes produce major problems not only for humans but also for every living species.
Increase in temperature activate lot of pathogenic microorganisms(bacteria and viruses) that can't exist in normal temperatures.Those microorganisms will couse various deseases which are new to humans.excesive increase of temperature in summer give rise to lot of deaths in living species which is becoming a tradigy now. Expansion in water due to increase in temperature increases the sea level and it will be a major problem for small islands like maldives.Withdrawing of snow from top of the mountens disrupt lot of eco systems and also freshwater systems which begins from mountens. Elevated Co2 levels interfer with cultivations of crops and will decrease the food supply.If we continue to increase C02 level there will be more problems for sure.
Main solution to prevent global warming is reduce the amount of green house gasea that are being released.Most countries have been trying to come up with ways of reducing them individualy and working together as well.reducing the use of fossil fuels is a good way of reducing C02 level becouse elevation of C02 level mainly due to increase in fossil fuel burning.we should find alternative energy sources otherthan fossil fuels and should control our energy consumption to a lower value.At the same time increasing forestland will also help to decrease the C02 level in the atmosphere.Unfortunatly these solutions are not effectively implemnting in most of western countries like USA. Today atmospheric C02 level is going up greatly.For the sake of the exisisting of human beings, atleast we should try to reduce the ways of emmition of green house gases individualy as well as in organisation level.Most of the people in the world dont know how danger global warming is.So lot of acknowledging programmes should be carried to convince the important in preventing global warming.
Don't worry mate, if we don't take care of nature, nature will take care of itself. I think it is already started by giving indications like Tsunamis, floods, Typhoons, Hurricanes, Dengue, Bird flu you name it.