Hi everybody! I’m Neranja. Do forgive me for being too late to join the Emerald Blog which is becoming an increasingly interactive forum for writing.
Although I haven’t been able to contribute to EB until now, I’ve been a great fan of it. Many times I’ve seen that my friends have made really interesting posts. Those writings and, especially the way they put their thoughts in to written word, inspired me to place myself in the blogosphere as soon as possible.
It’s obvious that this is a great opportunity for us to help improve our writing in English, and since blogging is a very dynamic endeavor of social media in the online communications, I think it really builds up strong enthusiasm for writing in one’s mind rather than any traditional medium of communication. So, it’s a very sensible idea that our teacher, Mrs. Liz, selected this medium to teach us writing in English.
I’ve been learning English here at BC since last April, but to tell the truth, I had bad experience in the first term, because we were very unhappy with the way our former teacher taught, and most of my friends decided not to continue classes anymore. However, at the end of the term, I attended the Young Learner parents-teacher meetings as an interpreter. In that occasion, I met some very successful teachers, and owing to the inspiration they created in me, I decided to continue learning in Advanced Classes further. Now, I’m fully satisfied with our present teacher, and the teaching methods that she uses.
From now, I hope to work to be an avid blogger as many of my classmates, and I, however, assume that one of us won’t suffer from blogarrhoea because EB is going on and on.
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